Nail Care Myths

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Do I need to get regular manicures to keep my nails healthy?

Nail Care Myths

Life is hectic enough, who has time to get manicures on a regular basis? Here's a hint: you don't need to pay for regular manicures to keep your nails in good shape. Here are some more common nail myths you can forget about: There's no need to: * Indulge in acrylic nails * Forego regular household chores * Avoid colored nail polish Well cared for nails are the result of regular maintenance, without having to take up too much of your time. Here's a trick: Keep a nail file, some hand cream and a bottle of clear nail polish on the table by your bed. For you work-a-holics, keep the same products in your desk drawer. If the tools are within reach, you're likely to remember to use them.



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